Dear Friends, so sorry for the late posting... caught myself busy with those never ending jobs & also had to do some preparation for coming conference in HK.
Well, within past few days, there're alots happened around me... which I had been given chance for my new Career path... I had been thinking it over & over for quite some days... until now still got a bit struggling deep inside my heart. Am I able to handle my new career task in a totally new working environment? Am I able to leave my current comfort zone? Hmm... I'm feel that I am abit lost rite now... hmm... I believe I would manage to find my way out... I'm just need some time to walked through this...
Btw I'm very happy also which I manage to find my old friend back inside FB & Friendster. It's had been 11 years++ since we last meet before leaving school. Glad to found them back & hopefully we may still keep in touch day by day...
I'm getting 30's... well, for me it just only my own life started... It's also a time for me to continue my studies & a new career... there's many things which I'm unknown in my future... Now... I'm ready to change my life... no matter good or bad... life goes on... :)
Write until here first lar... now had to continue with my all those unfinished jobs... till then, take care my dear friend ;)
Follow your own instinct as it is your own life. FYI it should be career not carrier. :)
Wish you good luck for your future undertaking, trust me, its a bright future ! good hearted person like you deserved a good life, This is karma. I m happy for you, your life will be full of good surprises in the new environment, u should feel excited about it, I know u will miss your family though.
Me to AKK....wish you good luck.Dont care to change.Well life is always a gamble....just gamble wise.Anyway you are good person...dont worry...Hoe Sim Got Hoe Poh:-)
means you already decide for the new job? if yes, congrats!! u will not know how it is if u never try, maybe better, maybe worse. but if u never go and try it, u will still continue what u do right now.
no matter what is your decision, i will support u always, at least u try, tiok bo? i will meet u real soon. looking forward.
what is your new career path?
Dear Buddies,
Thanks for your kind words & encouraging, I had think through of it liao... :)
will tell you when we meet in Taiwan soonest:)
when u coming? conglin or FGU?
then we can go tour around taiwan during weekends wif the rest liao, haha...
haha... u got it wrong, It's DSF.
I'll be there mid March'08 for training :)
AKK, It is like ,we should say look forward to our future and not backways to our past...
Gambatte...go grap your future...hehehee...
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