I received the sad news that Hainam Kei Pui passed away from few of PGHK friends. She had been a great friend of Penang Hokkien Podcast and was a great friend of many other PGHK listeners.
If I not wrong... I'm get to meet her personally when the time I visit to penang to meet up with all other PGHK friends... Dragon, Taugeh & I have a great time during our first meet up at Old Town & Ice Ice Baby in Autocity prai.
when the time you MSN me, I'm shocked & couldnt accept the truth... then I decided to do a memorial video clip for her... then i began to collect her beautiful photos inside her FB photo album... suprisingly i had found my photo was inside her album... And for sure, this was the only photo which I took together with her...
I had lost such a cheerful PGHK network friend... my heart still pain while each time i viewed the clips...
Through this, I'll would learn to appreciate & concern my all others friends around me...
I feel so bad & sorry that I couldn't make it to pay her last respect at her funeral in Penang... But I hope if she happened to online at heaven, She'll be pleased & glad to know what we've done for her... She'll be always in our hearts... May you rest in Peace & we'll all gonna missed you dearly...
Ang Ku Kueh of coz is not my real name lah! It's was actually my nick in Penang Hokkien Podcast. Thus, Akk was also my favourite kueh...
I'm kinda crazy ppl if you know me well. I like to make those stupid joke. no other reasons, just to make you laugh & bringing joyness to all of you, that's all...